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Jacques Verleijen ON4AVJ silent key

MessaggioInviato: 10 agosto 2022, 15:17
Aug 9, 2022 - News - Mats, SM6EAN


It is with great sadness and regret we have to inform that our friend Jacques, ON4AVJ, unexpectedly passed away on August 6th. We have lost a great and enthusiastic radio amateur!

Throughout the years, Jacques has held many functions within the Belgian amateur organisation, UBA. It is an impressive record of service, from 1992 until 2018, with a focus on VHF and higher frequencies. Jacques received 2017 an UBA recognition for his work.

Within IARU, Jacques joined the IARU-R1 VHF committee and between 2014 and 2021 he held the VHF committee chair. During that time, he coordinated the VHF+ work, revised the VHF manual, established the contest working group and equally examined the level of activity on VHF+ among the member associations efficiently. In addition, he also played a role as part of the extended Region 1 Executive Committee. He remained a member of the Political Relations Committee (PRC) and secretary of the VHF Committee. For his work within IARU, he was 2020 awarded the IARU Region 1 Medal.


We are grateful for all accomplishments and Jacques’ enthusiasm to make a difference. This has been a benefit to the amateur radio community.

On behalf of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) region 1 and the Hams around the world, we extend the deepest and heartfelt condolences and sympathy to his wife, family, friends and to all those who admired him as they mourn his loss‎. Jacques will be greatly missed. May his Soul rest in Peace.