Inviato: 16 settembre 2022, 16:46
Hermann Samson, DJ2BW passed away on 23 August, aged 88.
First licenced in 1953, he was an accomplished DXer with 340/393 (Mixed), 340/386 (Phone), 339/357 (CW) and 339/350 (Digital) current/total credited Entities in the DXCC Honor Roll standings, as well as 3138 DXCC Challenge points. During the 1980s and 1990s "his personal DXpeditions provided many DX-friends with new countries, especially on the low bands", his friend Uli, DJ2YA recalls. A former member of the First Class Operators' Club, CW was his primary operating mode. At his home near Trier he designed and built the
ETM series of electronic keyers which became very popular in the 1980s - your Editors' Samson ETM-8C has worked flawlessly for thirty years now, and counting. Thank you, Hermann.
First licenced in 1953, he was an accomplished DXer with 340/393 (Mixed), 340/386 (Phone), 339/357 (CW) and 339/350 (Digital) current/total credited Entities in the DXCC Honor Roll standings, as well as 3138 DXCC Challenge points. During the 1980s and 1990s "his personal DXpeditions provided many DX-friends with new countries, especially on the low bands", his friend Uli, DJ2YA recalls. A former member of the First Class Operators' Club, CW was his primary operating mode. At his home near Trier he designed and built the
ETM series of electronic keyers which became very popular in the 1980s - your Editors' Samson ETM-8C has worked flawlessly for thirty years now, and counting. Thank you, Hermann.