Richard Brunton G4TUT SK
Inviato: 1 novembre 2022, 15:36
Oct 31, 2022 - HF - Tom, DF5JL
Our British Amateur Member Society RSGB has announced, that Richard Brunton, G4TUT, has passed away. Richard was well known for countless years as editor of the popular website Southgate Amateur Radio News. Every day he scoured the world’s amateur radio and technology resources for interesting stories and published them. We as the IARU Region 1 HF Committee, also benefited from Richard’s work. It is all the more painful to have lost a wonderful and dedicated communicator in Richard. Our thoughts are with Richard’s family and friends.
Our British Amateur Member Society RSGB has announced, that Richard Brunton, G4TUT, has passed away. Richard was well known for countless years as editor of the popular website Southgate Amateur Radio News. Every day he scoured the world’s amateur radio and technology resources for interesting stories and published them. We as the IARU Region 1 HF Committee, also benefited from Richard’s work. It is all the more painful to have lost a wonderful and dedicated communicator in Richard. Our thoughts are with Richard’s family and friends.