After the unexpected death of their team leader, Marco Quijada (CE1EW), a few of the remaining CB0ZA team members have resolved to proceed with the expedition to Robinson Crusoe Island (SA-005), Juan Fernandez. It is now their goal "to make his passion, expertise, and contributions to the team be forever remembered as the cornerstone of this - Marcos' last - DXpedition project". Some changes have been made to the original plan: the new operation dates are 10-24 February 2024, the team now consists of seven experienced operators (AB5EB, AD5A, HI3R/NK4DX, N2IC, NP4G, W8HC and XQ3SK), and the new QSL manager is N2OO. Updates will be Posted to https://www.qrz.com/db/CB0ZA, as with Marco's passing, the team is unable to access the CB0ZA website.