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MessaggioInviato: 14 febbraio 2025, 19:12
The Northern California DX Foundation has announced "its financial support for a $35,000 grant to fund the NexGen RIB 2 systems.
This project was submitted and led by Gregg, W6IZT. His proposal is to utilize three Elecraft K4 radios Radio-In-Box (RIB) kit that can be used by DXpeditioners. He has a proven setup and will immediately embark on preparing these for deployment.
NCDXF will own the RIBs and keep them maintained for deployment. DXpeditions need to request these units with their NCDXF DXpedition grant applications.
This grant follows the successful launch of the first generation of RIBs using FlexRadio by George, AA7JV. Many QSOs have been made successfully in several DXpeditions where the entity footprint was minimized, and the operators could be remote. These RIBs are still maintained and in use.
The mission of NCDXF is to provide necessary financial support for wellorganized DXpeditions to desirable DXCC entities and to support advances in DXpeditioning skills, technology, and infrastructure. These funds come from the contributions of our supporters in the DX community. Your contribution will help make DX happen:". [TNX K9CT]