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MessaggioInviato: 9 agosto 2024, 19:29
The Summer 2024 issue (#142) of the International DX Association's Newsletter is now available for download on the INDEXA website ( Highlights include "Where do we go next INDEXA?" by Otis Vicens (NP4G); "INDEXA Announces the 'Next Generation Fund' in Support of Youth-related DXpeditioning" by Hal Turley (W8HC); DXpedition reports from CB0ZA (Juan Fernandez, February 2024), 8R7X (Guyana, February 2024), VP6G (Pitcairn Island, April 2024), V62P & V62S (OC-155 & OC-299, November 2023), Hal Turley's review of the book "Nifty E-Z Guide to Adventures in DXing. Developing Worldwide Friendships Through Radio Communication" by Jeff Cantor (K1ZN).