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IOTA QSO Matching (via Clublog)

MessaggioInviato: 18 settembre 2024, 14:15
For those of you who use Qso matching to retrieve IOTA Matching via Clublog please note the following change.

On the IOTA Website, you previously navigated through your Profile – Add Qso’s from Clublog – Login Credentials.
At that point you went to the next stage by entering your own Login and Password for the Clublog website. This now is no longer the case.
as outlined above but now you need to enter a one-time ”Application Password” (available from the Clublog website). Once you have copied and pasted this App Password into the field on the IOTA page, continue as normal.
So, in short you don’t use your Clublog Password anymore.

I have attached a couple of screen shots that show you where to find the Application Password on Clublog, it’s very easy. See below;