TX5N presentation W1SRD
This month (October, 2022) the Sierra Foothills ARC welcomed Steve W1SRD and Doris K0BEE to talk about their adventure with the TX5N DXpedition to the Austral Islands. In this presentation, Steve discusses the objectives, logistics, and challenges involved with the expedition, which operated this past April 2022 from the French Polynesian island of Raivavae.
Steve enjoys participating in radio contests and is an avid Ham Radio DX'er with 335 DX Entities confirmed. He is also a member of a number of Ham Radio related clubs and associations, including several DX and radio contest clubs, ARES (the Amateur Radio Emergency Service), and CERA (the Community Emergency Radio Association).
More information on CERA can be found at https://www.cerafund.org/
Information on ARES can be found at https://www.arrl.org/ares
Sites for some of the DXpedtions Steve has gone on: https://www.tx5n.net and https://www.sorkney.com (VP8PJ at South Orkney 2020).
Steve also provided a few DX Resources he has found useful:
1. Upcoming DX operations in nice calendar format: https://www.ng3k.com/misc/adxo.html
2. Contest calendar at https://www.contestcalendar.com/weekl... DX contests are a great way to pickup new entities.
3. Daily DX news: https://www.dailydx.com/
4. The 425 weekly newsletter at https://www.425dxn.org/ newsletter as well as the ARRL weekly DX newsletter you can get as an ARRL member.
5. The Daily DX (subscription) newsletter by Bernie, W3UR. There are good free DX resources on the site as well.
6. Propagation prediction: https://www.k6tu.net and https://www.voacap.com/ and (direct link to the VOACap prediction service https://www.voacap.com/hf/ )
Slides and video were used in this presentation with permission.