ROCKALL 2023 DX EXPEDITION, making contact with extended foo
ROCKALL 2023 DX EXPEDITION, making contact with extended footage.
Today was a truly memorable moment in Amateur Radio history by making contact with the ROCKALL DX Expedition in the most extreme and very dangerous environment.
An outstanding achievement for all participating and I for one will be looking forward to viewing their video and photos on their safe return.
My contact on the first couple of minutes with lots of extended audio recorded.
I was using my 40m mobile whip (DIAMOND HF40CL) with 100watts from my YEASU FT710 on a small hilltop about 2 miles from my home.
7.135Mhz with a split of plus 5.
A great start for the expedition, I heard they were well over 1000 contacts.
As an enthusiastic radio amateur I love chasing DX and chatting to other like minded operators on HF from the car.
There are some challenges to overcome in a mobile install but once your up and running it can be amazing.
These clips and video's I hope to help and motivate other operators or even encourage folks to obtain a license.
Please say hi in the comments box or even say hello on air.
Pictures of my setup can be found by clicking the link below
Show your support for mobile HF by subscribing.
MM5AJN Duncan
Today was a truly memorable moment in Amateur Radio history by making contact with the ROCKALL DX Expedition in the most extreme and very dangerous environment.
An outstanding achievement for all participating and I for one will be looking forward to viewing their video and photos on their safe return.
My contact on the first couple of minutes with lots of extended audio recorded.
I was using my 40m mobile whip (DIAMOND HF40CL) with 100watts from my YEASU FT710 on a small hilltop about 2 miles from my home.
7.135Mhz with a split of plus 5.
A great start for the expedition, I heard they were well over 1000 contacts.
As an enthusiastic radio amateur I love chasing DX and chatting to other like minded operators on HF from the car.
There are some challenges to overcome in a mobile install but once your up and running it can be amazing.
These clips and video's I hope to help and motivate other operators or even encourage folks to obtain a license.
Please say hi in the comments box or even say hello on air.
Pictures of my setup can be found by clicking the link below
Show your support for mobile HF by subscribing.
MM5AJN Duncan