I Want a Big Tower
Inviato: 9 dicembre 2012, 19:27
This song is for my ham radio friends, but especially for those for whom having a tower is not an option, leaving us to put up dipoles and other antennas any way we can, and then struggle with our weak signals. (Non-hams may not understand much of this song.)
Why do I so yearn for a big tower? I took a tally for a few minutes in the 2010 CQWW SSB contest and found I shouted my callsign 77 times in attempts to reach 10 consecutive stations, and only worked 3 of them. That's about 26 shouts per QSO - no wonder I lose my voice in these contests, even using the audio memories in my Orion. 5 Watts and wires is tough, but especially on SSB! I hope to work you in the next contest, though.
Please check out my other videos - have you ever heard a Van Halen song or J.S. Bach performed on solo mandolin? I do that, too.
Best reception and 73 to all - Tim, KT8K
(send me a note if you're interested in a copy of the lyrics - thanks!)