New rules for ukrainian radioamateurs
The Ukrainian government has confirmed new rules for radio amateurs. Since 11.03.2011 ukrainian radioamateurs lost the following frequencies: 10100-10150kHz, 14250-14350kHz, 1240-1300MHz, 2300-2450MHz, 5670-5850MHz, 10-10,1 GHz, 10,15-10,5GHZ, 24,05-24,25GHz,76-77,5 GHz , 78-81GHz, 122,25-123,0 GHz, 134-136 GHz, 136-141GHz, 241-248GHz, 248-250GHz.
Unlike Radio Regulations ( has taken place by the World Radiocommunication Conferences) the Ukrainian regulations entered validity don't contain the specified frequencies. It means what henceforth to receive or prolong the individual license for use of these frequencies it is impossible.
It is not forbidden to use the specified frequencies before the expiry of the term of action of the individual license.
You can read petition here (ukrainian language)
and to leave the signature if will count it possible for itself (please, don't pay attention to the request to bring payment - don't react to this appeal).
The list signed the petition here
The history of" mistakes" for your attention
"Never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."
Website of Ukrainian Amateur Radio League (UARL)
Ukraininan HF portal