9 gennaio 2016, 18:47 da IK0ZCW
Tom's (K8CX) DX sound clips for 2015 can be found at [url]http://hamgallery.com/dx2015/. The collection of 122 clips (MP3 format) covers the major DXpeditions, plus rare and semi-rare DX. This makes 18 full years of sound clips available.
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcwCISAR SVXLINK NAZIONALE per info: https://svxlink.cisar.it/SvxLink by SM0SVX rete RedNet per informazioni: http://iw0.red