My Regenerodyne on 40 mt
Inviato: 12 gennaio 2016, 21:39
In this video I'm testing my homemade Regenerodyne receiver in 40 mt. It has 4 Octal tubes:
6C5 local oscillator, 6J7 (or 6K7) mixer/RF pre-amplifier, 6SN7 detector and audio pre-amplifier, 6V6 audio amplifier.
It tunes 80/40/30 and 20 meters, AM, SSB & CW. Very stable and with an incredible sensitivity. By side, another my little jewel: M.O.P.A. (Master Oscillator Power Amplifier), a 15 Watts xtal transmitter. It works on 80&40 meters, CW only. Both equipments are homemade.