Betway: For the Love of the Game - Euro 2016 Ad (40 secs)
Ham radio features in UK Betway advert (note we don't promote betting!)
The new Betway creative campaign, ‘For the Love of the Game’, consists of three different creative routes: ‘Arctic’, ‘Dinghy’ and ‘Capsule’. There’s a consistent theme across all three creative routes, with two Betway characters always finding themselves in challenging situations. One character is always concerned about the potential danger of the situation, while the other character is consumed by his love of sport. Arctic is the first advert to air and shows two arctic explorers, one distracted by the football, the other by an attacking polar bear. Despite the perilous scenes that surround our two characters, we see how the thrill of sport becomes all-consuming for our super fan.
The new Betway creative campaign, ‘For the Love of the Game’, consists of three different creative routes: ‘Arctic’, ‘Dinghy’ and ‘Capsule’. There’s a consistent theme across all three creative routes, with two Betway characters always finding themselves in challenging situations. One character is always concerned about the potential danger of the situation, while the other character is consumed by his love of sport. Arctic is the first advert to air and shows two arctic explorers, one distracted by the football, the other by an attacking polar bear. Despite the perilous scenes that surround our two characters, we see how the thrill of sport becomes all-consuming for our super fan.