E51AND on the "joys" of being DX pile ups and OTH Radar
A challenge! ---- Watch/listen to the video and write down all the call signs you hear.
If you live in the US, Japan or Europe, you probably envy the DX stations who get to work these amazing pile ups . . . . . But when you are at the other end, it is a WHOLE different story.
With only 7 licensed resident hams in the Cook Islands (E5), and only 3 active -- one on PSK/Olivia and one on SSB and me on SSB and CW, pile ups are a fact of life if there is any kind of opening . . . . . this was recorded one night at the end of August 2016 -- both an insane pile-up and then S9 + 30db "Over the Horizon" radar.
NOTE: This was a LIMITED opening only to central and Northern Europe. Quite often the band is open to North America and ALL of Europe . . . and all on the same beam heading -- with VK and ZL 59 on the back of the beam! . . . . when that happens it is SO bad that I have to turn on the very effective QRM filter I have on my Icom 756 Pro.
For those who don't know where the QRM filter is located, it's on the top left of the rig ---- and one touch, and all the QRM disappears.
See if you can pick out even ONE call-sign -- in fact, see if you can pick out a single letter without replaying the video