RSGB Convention lecture 2017 - ZL7G DXpedition
RSGB Convention lecture 2017 - ZL7G DXpedition: Planning, Logistics, Operating and Beer
Chris Duckling, G3SVL
ZL7G, Chatham Islands, was the third DXpedition by the 6Gs Group. Putting on a successful DXpedition requires meticulous planning. This presentation provides an insight into how the 6Gs go about choosing a DX location and planning the DXpedition. It concludes with the sights and sounds (RF sounds that is) from the DXpedition.
Chris Duckling, G3SVL
ZL7G, Chatham Islands, was the third DXpedition by the 6Gs Group. Putting on a successful DXpedition requires meticulous planning. This presentation provides an insight into how the 6Gs go about choosing a DX location and planning the DXpedition. It concludes with the sights and sounds (RF sounds that is) from the DXpedition.