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KH8RRC DXpedition to American Samoa July 4-18 2023

MessaggioInviato: 26 giugno 2023, 21:24

American Samoa is #71 on the Club Log DXCC Most Wanted list. The American Samoa National Park, Parks on the Air K-0053, has never been activated. If you need KH8 for DXCC, or would like the first-time POTA activation in your log, or want the IOTA contact, KH8RRC will be on the air from July 4-18, 2023. Yuri N3QQ, Hal W8HC and, my guest for this show, James KB2FMH, make up the team of experienced ham radio operators that are KH8RRC. In this interview with James, he talks about the logistics involved with this DXpedition, their operating plans and he offers tips on how to best get American Samoa in your log.

W1DED in Maine