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16th IARU HST world championship

MessaggioInviato: 20 settembre 2019, 14:12
Friday, 20 September 2019 09:50
Written by Oliver Tabakovski, Z32TO

The 16th IARU HST world championship took place in Albena, Bulgaria from 13th–17th September. Representatives from 19 countries participated at the championship. Host of the event was BFRA ( Bulgarian federation of radio amateurs ). All participants were accommodated at hotel Kaliopa, while competition took part at hotel Dobrudza located at a walking distance of 300m from Kaliopa. Accommodation and board were good and there were no complains about.

The championship gathered total of 140 participants, 90 competitors (30 in female categories and 60 in male categories). Four types of competition were maintained: receiving ( letters, figures, mixed ), transmitting ( letters,figures, mixed ), callsign receiving ( ak as RUFZ ) and pile up test ( ak as Morse runner ). Total domination of the team of Belarus as they win more than 2/3 of the medals. Several countries share the rest of the awards.

A new world record was acheived in the male categoy at RUFZ. Stanislau Haurylenka, EW8GS from Belarus made the score of 291.597 and beat the old record which was 288.671. The top speed acheived during the attempt was 943 s/min.

The ofiicial result as well as the world record list can be see at:

The next 17th IARU HST world championship will take place in 2020 ( dates TBA ) Ulaanbaatar,Mongolia hosted by MRSF.