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EMC WG Meeting Friedrichshafen

MessaggioInviato: 29 maggio 2013, 10:21
Written by Thilo, DL9KCE
Tuesday, 28 May 2013 15:37

The IARU R1 EMC Working Group invites EMC WG members and observers from all national societies to attend the meeting in Friedrichshafen on Friday, 28.06.2013, from 12:00 to 13:30 h in Verwaltungsgebäude 5th floor, same location as last year. (Note: The meeting start exactly at noon, and is scheduled 30 minutes less.)

Details of how to find the meeting room can be obtained from the DARC or IARU stands in the main hall A1 or from the fairs personnel.

Here you can find a list of EMC WG members. It is also indicated who is head of delegation from a MS. If someone else from the society should wish to attend as replacement for HOD, please bring a proxy vote paper.

Discussion focus

1. Opening and welcome

2. Nomination of Secretary

3. Actions from last WG meeting

4. Status on the prEN50561-x Series

5. Other EMC topics

Plasma-TV IEC/PAS 62825 ed1.0, CISPR 11: GCPC DC-Limits, CISPR 15: LED-disturbances, CISPR 32, CISPR 35

6. Any other business

7. Action points and close of meeting

Christian Verholt, OZ8CY
Chairman, EMC Working Group