70 MHz in Italy
Written by IV3KKW, Alex
Wednesday, 30 January 2013 19:48
Italian Amateurs have again access to 70 MHz from February 1st till December 31st 2013.
These are the specifications: All Italian stations are authorized except the ones 30 km or less from Italian border with Austria, Switzerland and France.
Frequencies: 70,100 – 70,200 – 70,300 with 25 kHz of bandwidth
All modes with a maximum power 50 Watt ERP
Wednesday, 30 January 2013 19:48
Italian Amateurs have again access to 70 MHz from February 1st till December 31st 2013.
These are the specifications: All Italian stations are authorized except the ones 30 km or less from Italian border with Austria, Switzerland and France.
Frequencies: 70,100 – 70,200 – 70,300 with 25 kHz of bandwidth
All modes with a maximum power 50 Watt ERP