Messaggio 21 dicembre 2013, 12:29

Saturday 28 December ARISS contact planned with Scout group

Written by ON4WF
Saturday, 21 December 2013 09:38

An International Space Station educational radio contact has been planned Saturday 28 December with participants at Scouting Burgemeester Welschen Meerhove, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. The event is scheduled to begin at approximately 13:08 UTC, which is 14.08 CEWT. This will be a direct radio contact between IR0ISS and PE6SBW. The contact is expected to be conducted in English.

Downlink signals will be audible in Europe on 145.800MHz FM.

Presentation: Scouting Meerhoven has been set up in 2003. Our first official turnout was 10 years ago during the JOTA JOTI. During the last 10 years we have had several activities which were connected with transmitting (each year during the JOTA JOTI) and also with technic, air and space travel, as our scouts cabin is near Eindhoven airport. Now, 10 years on, we celebrate our Jubilee.

One of our Lustrum activities is the JOTA JOTI, by which we use FM frequency. For a whole weekend the scouting room has been transformed to a real radio station. The broadcasts’ are made by our youth and staff members. In the framework of the Jubilee we have made a request to NASA, because as a scouting group, we really like to have radio contact with one of the astronauts from the ISS. We are very supportive of space travel and during the coming period we have a couple of activities to prepare us for a possible contact with ISS.

The Friday evening group (cubs and scouts) will visit a observatory, they will make rockets from lemonade bottles and fire them off. The room of the beavers will be transformed to a cosmos with rockets and planets. The kids will make these themselves. The Saturday group (cubs and scouts) will rebuild a ISS station. During the coming weeks our activities will all be in the light of space travel. Our aim is that the children will make their acquaintance with the JOTA JOTI (transmission) as well as space travel. It would be great to close of our Jubilee with contact with ISS.
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB - -



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