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Samantha in orbita : Soyuz TMA15-M previsioni d'ascolto

MessaggioInviato: 19 novembre 2014, 21:31

Samantha Cristoforetti, prima donna italiana negli equipaggi dell'Agenzia Spaziale Europea, partirà assieme all'astronauta NASA Terry Wirts ed al cosmonauta Roscosmos Anton Shkaplerov, domenica 23 novembre alle 22:01 (ora locale italiana) da Baikonour, Kazakistan. Il volo avverrà con tecnica "express transit" e quindi arrivo in circa sei ore : alle 03:50 (ora locale italiana) di lunedì 24 novembre.

Con comuni mezzi amatoriali (quindi anche con scanner ed antenne verticali), sarà possibile
ascoltare il seguente traffico :

1.o passaggio 23:31 locali del 23/11/2014 121,750 MHz FM
2.o passaggio 01:01 locali del 24/11/2014 121,750 MHz FM
3.o passaggio 02:31 locali del 24/11/2014 121,750 MHz FM

Poichè l'apertura del portello è prevista per le 05:30 locali del 24/11, ci potrà essere attività
sulle frequenze ISS e Soyuz, in particolare alle (acquisizione ISS) :

04:14 ora locale italiana del 24/11/2014 121,750 MHz FM (Soyuz) 143,625 MHz FM (ISS)
05:51 ora locale italiana del 24/11/2014 121,750 MHz FM (Soyuz) 143,625 MHz FM (ISS)

Samantha rimarrà sulla ISS circa sei mesi : possiamo sperare faccia attività radioamatoriale come
già in passato fece Luca Parmitano... nel tal caso ricordate :

uplink 145,200 MHz FM ed ascolto a 145,800 MHz FM

Buoni ascolti de i4ibr

Re: Samantha in orbita : Soyuz TMA15-M previsioni d'ascolto

MessaggioInviato: 26 novembre 2014, 18:01
Current position and video streaming of ISS:

Re: Samantha in orbita : Soyuz TMA15-M previsioni d'ascolto

MessaggioInviato: 27 novembre 2014, 19:22
Stando alle informazioni riportate sul sito ARISS Europe, i prossimi contatti diretti fra la ISS ed alcune scuole italiane (FM 145.800 MHz downlink voce) sono previsti nelle seguenti 3 finestre temporali:

dal 15-12-2014 al 21-12-2014
dal 05-01-2015 al 11-01-2015
dal 02-03-2015 al 08-03-2015

Il giorno e l'orario per i collegamenti radio saranno stabiliti sulla base della posizione orbitale della ISS, della disponibilità degli astronauti rispetto alle attività prioritarie che hanno in programma a bordo e degli orari indicati dalle scuole.

Per informazioni aggiornate, si consiglia di consultare le seguenti pagine web:

Re: Samantha in orbita : Soyuz TMA15-M previsioni d'ascolto

MessaggioInviato: 11 dicembre 2014, 14:38
Lunedì 15 dicembre 2014 alle 16:18:40 (ora locale italiana), Samantha Cristoforetti collegherà, dall'ISS, l'Istituto Tecnico Statale Economico e Tecnologico "Elena di Savoia" - "Piero Calamandrei" di Bari e l'Istituto Tecnico Statale "Alessandro Volta" di Bitonto.

Il collegamento, curato da IZ7EVR, sarà condotto sulla frequenza di 145,800 MHz FM.

Come sempre, buoni ascolti.

73 de I4IBR Marco Ibridi

Re: Samantha in orbita : Soyuz TMA15-M previsioni d'ascolto

MessaggioInviato: 3 gennaio 2015, 12:29
Collegamento dalla mia scuola di 40 anni fa !!! IK0ZCW

Re: Samantha in orbita : Soyuz TMA15-M previsioni d'ascolto

MessaggioInviato: 4 gennaio 2015, 23:21
Contact the ISS

The following frequencies are currently used for Amateur Radio ISS contacts (QSOs):

Voice and SSTV Downlink: 145.800 (Worldwide)

Voice Uplink: 145.200 for ITU Region 1 (Europe, Russia and Africa)

Voice Uplink: 144.490 for ITU Regions 2 and 3 (The Americas, and the Pacific and Southern Asia)

VHF Packet Uplink and Downlink: 145.825 (Worldwide)

UHF Packet Uplink and Downlink: 437.550

UHF/VHF Repeater Uplink: 437.800

UFH/VHF Repeater Downlink: 145.800

Call Signs in Use

The following call signs are available for use on the ISS:

Russian: RS0ISS


European: DP0ISS, OR4ISS, IR0ISS

Packet Station Mailbox: RS0ISS-11 and RS0ISS-1

Other call signs may come into use as the station and crew change.

Re: Samantha in orbita : Soyuz TMA15-M previsioni d'ascolto

MessaggioInviato: 6 gennaio 2015, 10:18
Upcoming ARISS Contacts

as of January 5, 2015

- A contact with 3 Italian schools is scheduled for Fri 2015-01-09. The event will include students at Scuola Santa Teresa del Bambin Gesù, Roma, Italy, direct via IKØUSO, students at Istituto Salesiano Villa Sora, Frascati, Italy, direct via IWØCZC, and students at Scuola Pontificia Pio IX, Roma, Italy, via telebridge. The contact will be with IRØISS at 10:14:09 UTC 31 deg.

Scuola Santa Teresa del Bambino Gesù
The school "Santa Teresa del Bambino Gesù" is a catholic primary school in Rome, established to answer to the needs and demands for Catholic education by the local population.

The school belongs to the Congregation of Missionary Carmelitane Sisters of Saint Therese of Jesus Child. The school is open to families that take care of the religious education and formation of their children. Preparation for the ISS radio contact has been underway for a long time, including educational projects on different scientific topics to support the special event.

Istituto Salesiano Villa Sora
Villa Sora is located on the side of the ancient Roman boulevard (now Via Tuscolana) in an area known as Tusculanus ager, which is full of sumptuous villas, including those of Cicero, Lucullus and Sulpicius Galba. This villa was built as a country house in the same grounds of Lucullus` villa in the mid-16th century and it was originally known as 'Torricella'. The earliest documentation of its history dates back to 1546, when the Chapel of Sancta Sanctorum of Rome owned the villa. The land currently measures over 6 acres and includes, in addition to the house and the school, a large park with several building lots.

The school of Villa Sora has a notable historical tradition. Since 1925, it has a primary school and a liceo classico. The liceo scientifico was founded in 1966 and in 1986 its admission was opened to girls. In 1989, the middle school was created, and finally, in 2011, a new liceo economico sociale was founded. The middle school now has 200 students divided in three classes. The liceo classico has 180 students, the liceo scientifico 280 and the liceo economico sociale 80, for a total of 740 students.

Re: Samantha in orbita : Soyuz TMA15-M previsioni d'ascolto

MessaggioInviato: 8 gennaio 2015, 15:48
Upcoming ARISS Contacts

A direct contact with students at Richmond Heights Middle School and at BioTECH @ Richmond Heights High School in Miami, Florida, USA via W1HQL scheduled for Tue 2015-01-13 is postponed due to the Space X launch reschedule. It will be rescheduled.

Richmond Heights Middle School
Richmond Heights Middle School opened its doors in 1963 in the Richmond Heights community in southwest Miami, Florida. The now 50 year-old school, is located in a historic African American Community. An army captain by the name of Frank C. Martin believed it to be a wise investment as well as the right thing to do to establish a housing development in which Black veterans of WWII could purchase their own home. There are currently 636 students and a teaching staff of 41 faculty members. Along with its exemplary athletics program, full time gifted program, and Cambridge program, Richmond Heights Middle School offers a Zoology Magnet program to the students of Miami Dade County Public Schools. This is an extremely unique magnet program that is one of only three in the nation. The zoology magnet is a result of a partnership with Zoo Miami, the Zoological Society of Florida and Richmond Heights Middle School. It has been in existence since 1988. Students have the unique opportunity to visit the zoo to study the animals within their exhibits while engaging in STEM fields of study.

BioTECH @ Richmond Heights 9-12 High School
BioTECH @ Richmond Heights 9-12 High School is the only Conservation Biology public magnet high school is the United States and boasts three campuses: our educational center at Richmond Campus, our Research Station at Zoo Miami, and our Botanical Outpost at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden. BioTECH provides students with a challenging and advanced level math and science curriculum focused on Conservation Biology that exposes them to rigorous STEM coursework as well as research opportunities with practicing scientists in state-of-the-art laboratories. In classes taken on-site at Zoo Miami, students study the human impact on biological diversity, making BioTECH the only school in the country to offer a full research and teaching facility within zoo grounds. Research experiences are offered in collaboration with the local zoo and the local research and botanic garden. BioTECH is currently home to 130 students that travel within the boundaries of a 467 square mile area to attend this unique school. The school opened its doors in August 2014 with a total of 8 faculty members, 7 support staff members, and an arsenal of practicing scientists and conservation educators from Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, Zoo Miami, Zoological Society of Florida, Everglades National Park, The Dumond Conservancy, and Biscayne National Park.

Re: Samantha in orbita : Soyuz TMA15-M previsioni d'ascolto

MessaggioInviato: 30 gennaio 2015, 19:40
Friday, 30 January 2015 14:26
Written by stefan

ARISS contact planned for two Italian schools Saturday January 31, 2015 at 8.38.59 UTC, which is 9.39 CEWT, ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti IZ0UDF will answer questions from students of two Italian schools: Istituto Salesiano "G. Bearzi", Udine and Intercultura Onlus, Milano, Italy. The radio communication with the International Space Station will be established by ARISS ground station K6DUE, located in Maryland, USA. The event will be webcast on

Gaston Bertels – ON4WF ARISS-Europe chairman

Re: Samantha in orbita : Soyuz TMA15-M previsioni d'ascolto

MessaggioInviato: 21 febbraio 2015, 14:56
Saturday, 21 February 2015
13:24 Written by ON6TI

Continuous SSTV transmission is planned from Saturday 21 February at about 10.30 UTC till Monday 23 February 21.30 UTC. It is expected that 12 different photos will be sent on 145.800 MHz FM, using the SSTV mode PD180, with 3 minutes off periods between transmissions. One of the photos will show the commemorative diploma created by PZK, the national Polish Amateur Radio society, on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the birth of first cosmonaut J.A.Gagarine. More about this diploma in due time.

The equipment used will be the Kenwood D710 transceiver located in the Russian Service Module.

73, Gaston Bertels - ON4WFARISS-Europe chairman

Re: Samantha in orbita : Soyuz TMA15-M previsioni d'ascolto

MessaggioInviato: 28 febbraio 2015, 9:27
Upcoming ARISS Contacts

A direct contact with students at Riversink Elementary School, Crawfordville, FL, USA, via scheduled for Thu 2015-02-26 15:15:56 UTC 77 deg. The contact is presently scheduled with astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, IZØUDF.

Riversink Elementary School is a K-5 public school operating within the Wakulla County School District. It is a Title I school located in rural Crawfordville, Florida. Riversink first opened its doors in August of 2008. Teachers at Riversink believe that every student will reach his or her highest potential in a positive learning environment that encourages students to be respectful, responsible, and ready to learn. Students at Riversink are highly successful due, in part, to the collaborative efforts of the faculty and staff, along with strong parental support. The student body is made up of 470 students. The school has 37 teachers. Riversink’s mission is to facilitate the development of all students to their fullest potential by providing research-based instructional strategies and promoting a love of learning and community pride in a safe, positive environment.

A direct contact with students in Saint Petersburg, Russia is presently scheduled for 2015-02-26 12:30 UTC.

Direct contacts with students at G. Salvemini – G. La Pira, Montemurlo, Italy, direct via IQ5VR and at “Dante Alighieri” 1st Grade Secondary (Middle) School, Casale Monferrato, Italy, direct via IK1SLD The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be IRØISS with astronaut is Samantha Cristoforetti IZØUDF are scheduled for Sat 2015-03-07 10:51:41 UTC 30 deg.

G. Salvemini – G. La Pira
“Salvemini – La Pira” is a secondary middle schoo located in Montemurlo, province of Prato, in the Tuscany region. The school has 21 classes with pupils ages 11 to 14 with a total of 520 pupils. The name of the school derives from the fusion of the two schools of the commune. This is the only secondary middle school in the area.

“Dante Alighieri”
The "Dante Alighieri" School is situated outside the town center of Casale Monferrato, near the ancient Cittadella, province of Alessandria, in the Piedmont region. It is a modern construction, developed on two main buildings: one for the school's didactical and administrative activities, one for the sport activities (gym and pool). It is surrounded by a wide playground, with a little plantation of poplars, planted by the pupils of the school. There are 12 classrooms (4 on the main floor and 8 on the first floor) and several labs, including a Science Lab, Informatics Lab, Techno Lab, Art Lab, Maths Lab, and a Languages Lab, and a colorful and expansive library. There also a lot of afternoon activities, such as Latin courses, languages courses and sport tournaments (soccer, basket, volleyball). The Dante Secondary I grade School has a current roll of 230 students and a teaching staff of 29. In the last few years the school has been enhanced by the richness of its diverse student population.

Re: Samantha in orbita : Soyuz TMA15-M previsioni d'ascolto

MessaggioInviato: 16 marzo 2015, 10:02
Upcoming ARISS Contacts

as of March 10, 2015

Direct contacts with students at Collège Paul Langevin, Saint Junien, France, via F8KFZ/P, and at Ecole La Malmaison, Rueil-Malmaison, France, via F6KFA/p are scheduled for Thu 2015-03-19 08:17:56 UTC. The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be IRØISS. The scheduled astronaut is Samantha Cristoforetti, IZØUDF.

Collège Paul Langevin
The Collège Paul Langevin, situated in the town center of Saint-Junien in the west of the Haute Vienne and the Limousin (400 km south of Paris), is a former primary school that became a general mixed college in 1964. The college follows a general teaching syllabus and a further syllabus for teaching children of special needs. The college is composed of 6 sixth year classes, 5 fifth year classes, 5 fourth year classes, and 4 third year classes. Languages taught are English, German, Spanish, and Latin. The college also has an athletic syllabus.

This school year, 2014–2015, the college has 615 students split over the four years. This includes the special needs children who benefit from inclusion in class life. There are 64 Students in this special needs program. These students have significant and persistent difficulties in terms of academic learning, but do not have intellectual disabilities.

Ecole La Malmaison
The elementary school La Malmaison is located in the department of Hauts-de-Seine in the city of Rueil-Malmaison, about 15 km west of Paris, and 10 km away from the Versailles Palace. The school is surrounded by famous historic places:
the Castle of Malmaison, where Napoleon Bonaparte and his wife Josephine de Beauharnais lived at the end of the 18th Century; the banks of River Seine, depicted by famous Impressionist painters (Renoir, Manet, and Monet) at the end of the 19th century; Mount Valerien, with its national memorial of 2nd World War French combatants; and the National Archeologic museum in the Castle of St Germain-en-Laye city nearby.

The goal of this ARISS project is to encourage the children to study scientific activities like life aboard the ISS, the solar system, the day and night caused by earth rotation, electricity experiences, the air quality on Earth and on the ISS, the weight on earth and the zero-gravity in space. This ARISS project is an opportunity to visit the Amateur RadioClub Station of Rueil-Malmaison (F6KFA) and discover their experiences on radio waves phenomena, learn the Morse code, and more.