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Updated ECA published

MessaggioInviato: 10 luglio 2015, 19:01
Friday, 10 July 2015 10:26
Written by Colin Thomas

The updated European Common Allocation table has now been published and is available at -

The main changes for the amateur service is the inclusion within the table of a band at 4 metres within the limits 69.9 - 70.5 MHz. Footnote EU9 has been modified to read - EU9 CEPT administrations may authorise all or parts of the band 69.9-70.5 MHz to the amateur service on a secondary basis. This is a stronger worded footnote than that previously used.

This is another success for the amateur service within CEPT and thanks must be given to Region 1 Executive Committee member David Court EI3IO for all his hard work and expertise on this matter.