Messaggio 8 giugno 2019, 14:39

ITU Study Group 1 meets in Geneva

Friday, 07 June 2019 21:22
Written by Don Beattie

The May/June ITU-R Study Group 1 meeting, together with its Working Parties has just completed its 2019 meeting in Geneva. IARU was represented for the whole seven days of meetings by Region 1 President Don Beattie, G3BJ.

The meetings spent a large amount of time discussing the emerging Wireless Power Transmission technologies and their applications. Work was advanced on Reports on WPT at 100-148.5 kHz for low power charging of portable devices, for WPT for electric vehicles (WPT-EV) at around 20, 60 and 85 kHz and for “Beam” WPT for remote charging.

All these technologies have the potential for harmful interference to radiocommunication services if not carefully managed, particularly the harmonics of the WPT systems. IARU has submitted formal studies on the impact on the amateur service and these have been incorporated into one completed report and will inform a new Recommendation being developed on emissions from WPT. IARU is advocating proper emission limits to protect radio services and is working with other spectrum users and administrations which share its concerns.

The ITU meetings discussed the emerging CISPR proposals for WPT-EV emission limits, where there is a level of concern that they fall short of providing the necessary protection to radiocommunications services.
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB - -



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