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IARU attends WPT meeting in Copenhagen

MessaggioInviato: 7 luglio 2019, 18:30
Sunday, 07 July 2019 08:56
Written by Don Beattie

A further meeting on Wireless Power Tranmission was held in Copenhagen in week beginning 1st July 2019. This was a sub-group of CEPT Committee SE24 charged with work on a report on generic WPT devices.

Don Beattie, G3BJ, representing IARU, made input on its projections of harmful emissions from WPT systems (both generic and WPT-EV) operating at the existing harmonic emission limits defined by CISPR and ITU/CEPT. IARU also reported on tests carried out on small WPT devices, (with the full report to be consdered at the next meeting in September).

IARU continues to argue for tighter emission limits on harmonics and other spurious emissions from WPT systems, which have the potential to cause sustained harmful intereference to incumbent radio services.