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IARU and CEPT WRC-23 Preparations

MessaggioInviato: 27 marzo 2021, 14:31
Mar 26, 2021 - Spectrum - Barry, G4SJH

IARU continued engagement in the WRC-23 preparations in the CEPT RTO during March 2021 at the second meeting of the Conference Preparatory Group Project Team A (CPG PTA). This project team develops the CEPT WRC Briefs for several WRC scientific and regulatory agenda items which are of particular interest to the amateur community. Specific attention is being paid to WRC-23 agenda items 1.12, 1.14 and 9.1a. IARU provided a contribution putting forward the agreed preliminary IARU positions for these agenda items. IARU’s overall objective is to safeguard the allocations to the Amateur and Amateur-Satellite services in the co and adjacent frequency bands within the scope of each agenda item. The CEPT briefs have a specific section in which the views of all the recognised international and regional organisations can be placed and the IARU views are now in this section of the draft briefs for each of these agenda items.

WRC23 Agenda Item Agenda Item Proposal Summary IARU Position Summary CEPT Position Summary

1.12 Earth exploration-satellite (EESS) (active) service for spaceborne radar sounders within the range of frequencies around 45 MHz. Ensure adjacent band 50MHz Amateur services are protected. Not defined yet.

1.14 Possible new primary frequency allocations to EESS (passive) in the frequency range 231.5−252 GHz. No change to the 248 – 250 GHz primary allocations and the 241 – 248 GHz secondary allocations. Supports the EESS proposal.

9.1A Radio service designations for space weather sensors. Additional constraints on amateur services must be avoided. Not defined yet.

The WRC-23 agenda items in CPG PTA of interest to the IARU

The IARU SRLC continues to be active in PTA and all the CEPT project teams dealing with the WRC preparation. CPG PTA is the group that will also be considering the agenda item proposals to be put forward for WRC-27.
