Provisional results IARU R1 VHF — UHF & Up ContestsProvision
Provisional results IARU R1 VHF — UHF & Up ContestsProvisional results IARU R1
Apr 19, 2022 - VHF/UHF/SHF - Alex, IV3KKW
Provisional results for the last 2021 IARU R1 Marconi Memorial VHF Contest are available on IARU Region 1 VHF & Up Contest Robot
We have received a total of 762 logs from 27 different countries of Region 1.
The complaining period will end on May 3rd, after that results will be final.
The prizing ceremony will be during the HamRadio fair in Friedrichshafen on June 25th.
For any further requests please write to Alex IV3KKW [Contest WG Chair].
Apr 19, 2022 - VHF/UHF/SHF - Alex, IV3KKW
Provisional results for the last 2021 IARU R1 Marconi Memorial VHF Contest are available on IARU Region 1 VHF & Up Contest Robot
We have received a total of 762 logs from 27 different countries of Region 1.
The complaining period will end on May 3rd, after that results will be final.
The prizing ceremony will be during the HamRadio fair in Friedrichshafen on June 25th.
For any further requests please write to Alex IV3KKW [Contest WG Chair].