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Provisional Results 50 MHz CW/SSB Contest

MessaggioInviato: 26 agosto 2024, 16:03
Aug 25, 2024 - VHF/UHF/SHF - Alex, IV3KKW

The provisional results of the 50 MHz CW/SSB Contest are available on the IARU R1 VHF Contest Robot

You can also take a look at your UBNs here!

We evaluated 516 different logs coming from 36 different countries, for a total of 37.357 QSOs.

The winner in the Single Op. category is ED5R with 420 QSOs and 630k points; the Multi op. category winner is the team Z3A with 826 QSOs and 786k points; the 6 Hours category winner is the team G4G with 176 QSOs and 248k points.

The complaining period will end on September 9th, and after that results will be final.

For any further requests please write to Alex IV3KKW [Contest WG Chair].
