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Provisional Results 70 MHz CW/SSB Contest

MessaggioInviato: 26 agosto 2024, 16:04
Aug 25, 2024 - VHF/UHF/SHF - Alex, IV3KKW

The provisional results of the 70 MHz CW/SSB Contest are available on the IARU R1 VHF Contest Robot

You can also take a look at your UBNs here!

We evaluated 71 different logs coming from 11 different countries, for a total of 1.988 QSOs.

The winner in the Single Op. category is GM4ZUK/P, the Multi op. category winner is the team G0VHF/P; the 6 Hours category winner is SP5QWB.

The complaining period will end on September 9th, and after that results will be final.

For any further requests please write to Alex IV3KKW [Contest WG Chair].
