Nepal DXpedition
Joe, DK5WL ( 9N7WL ); Ernst, DK7AN/( 9N7AN ); Georg DL4SVA and Franz DL9GFB plan to be active from Nepal in a period stretching from mid-March to early-April 2011.
Beginning March 16th, Ernst 9N7AN will commence solo activity from Kathmandu, with the main part of the DXpedition starting on March 26th once the rest of the team arrive in Nepal. They will operate all bands/modes therefater until April 8, 2011.
Beginning March 16th, Ernst 9N7AN will commence solo activity from Kathmandu, with the main part of the DXpedition starting on March 26th once the rest of the team arrive in Nepal. They will operate all bands/modes therefater until April 8, 2011.