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FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition

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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 2 aprile 2013, 11:30

FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition

9V1YC , EY8MM , FM5CD , HK1R , K4UEE , K9CT , LA6VM , N4GRN , N6HC , VE3EJ , VE7CT , W6IZT , WB9Z , K0IR , VA7DX e UA3AB saranno attivi da Amsterdam Island 24 Gennaio - 12 Febbraio 2014 come FT5ZM
Trasmetteranno sulle Bande HF
QSL via N2OO

IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


CISAR SVXLINK NAZIONALE per info: https://svxlink.cisar.it/

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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 3 aprile 2013, 11:23

Re: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island DX pedition

COMUNICATO STAMPA di Ralph Fedor K0IR 3 Aprile 2013

"Sono lieto di annunciare una importante DXpedition in programma nei mesi di gennaio e febbraio 2014.

Un team internazionale di 14 DXoperatori esperti, guidati da K0IR, partirà da Fremantle, Australia, i primi di gennaio del 2014. La loro destinazione sarà Amsterdam Island (FT5Z).

Amsterdam Island è controllata dell’amministrazione "Terres Australes et Antarctiques Francaises (TAAF)". Il territorio in questione è vincolato da regole severe e regolamenti ambientali pertanto l’accesso è limitato. Rappresentanti di questa Team nel mese di novembre e all’inizio di marzo ehanno incontrato i funzionari del TAAF a Parigi. Piano e le credenziali del team sono stati rivisti durante tali riunioni, il tuotto ha portato a l’autorizzazione del TAAF di atterrare su Amsterdam Island e di effettuare questa DXpedition. Al team è stato concesso un accesso di 18 giorni sull’isola nel periodo che va dal 15 gennaio al 20 febbraio del 2014.

Il team partirà da Fremantle, in Australia a bordo della MV Braveheart. Il viaggio ad Amsterdam Isola li porterà attraverso i "ruggenti anni ’40" dell’Oceano Indiano e durerà circa 8 giorni, dipende dal vento e dal tempo. Il TAAF ha rivisto le specifiche dell’imbarcazione Braveheart e sono state predisposte le precauzioni ambientali ed il piano di emergenza in caso di ancoraggio della nave. L’atterraggio ad Amsterdam deve essere a tempo in base alle condizioni del mare in quanto non vi è alcun porto naturale per proteggere la zona di atterraggio dal mare aperto. Questo può rendere necessario l’attesa a mare aperto fino a quando le condizioni del mare non saranno adatti. Ma, la nostra dxpedition di 18 giorni non inizia sinoa quando non si è approdati sull’isola.

Una volta raggiunta l’isola, il team si collocherà in due diversi siti assegnati dal TAAF. Le due località sono a circa 2 chilometri di distanza. Ogni location permette un totale completamento del parco antenne. La separazione consentirà la trasmissione CW / RTTY e SSB simultanea. Il gruppo prevede otto stazioni, quattro per ongi sito. Gli Elecraft K3, una serie completa di antenn, ed aplificatori da 500 watt e 1.5 Kw saranno la spina dorsale di ogni stazione.

Gli operatori del Team sono ben noti nel mondo del DX: 9V1YC, EY8MM, FM5CD, HK1R, K4UEE, K9CT, LA6VM, N4GRN, N6HC, VE3EJ, VE7CT, W6IZT, WB9Z, e il sottoscritto K0IR.

Il sito-web per questa spedizione è in fase di preparazione. Quando sarà completato per accedervi questo è il link: http://www.amsterdamdx.org/ Sino a quando non è completato sarà protetto da password.

Come per tutte le spedizioni DX tra i "Top Ten", questa è un’impresa estremamente costosa. Le spese totali previste sono poco più di 400 mila dollari (US). Ogni operatore deve contribuire con un minimo contributo personale di 10.000 dollari, si starà lontani da casa e famiglia per sei settimane, passare da 16 a 18 giorni in mare ed essere pronti per i rischi finanziari e fisici che comportano una importante DXpedition come questa.

Il Team ha bisogno del tuo sostegno finanziario per completare con successo questo grande progetto e chiede tutti i DXer di contribuire con quello che possono perchè tutto ciò si realizzi. Siamo a conoscenza che importanti club e sponsor ci sosterranno; la INDEXA ha già dato un contributo estremamente generoso per il progetto e la NCDXF ha onorato il suo impegno con un grande sostesgno. Ma abbiamo bisogno anche dell’aiuto dei singoli DXer, non solo del Nord America, ma anche dell’Europa, Asia, Africa, Sud America e Oceania.

Facciamo in modo che questo accada! Quindi, godiamoci la caccia di un raro country!

73, Ralph Fedor – K0IR
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


CISAR SVXLINK NAZIONALE per info: https://svxlink.cisar.it/

SvxLink by SM0SVX rete RedNet per informazioni: http://iw0.red



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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 21 aprile 2013, 8:11

Re: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition

UPDATE: The MV Braveheart will arrive in the port of Fremantle, Australia on January 12, 2014 and be available for the team to board. Fuel and supplies will be taken aboard and port documentation procedures completed. The vessel will sail for Amsterdam Island on January 15, 2014. The sailing time to Amsterdam Island will be 9 days, with an estimated arrival date of January 24.

Landing operations will commence as soon as the sea conditions and weather allow. Once the team is ashore, they will have 18 days to set up, conduct the DXpedition, and tear down for departure.

The return sail to Fremantle is also estimated at 9 days. The team anticipates being back in Fremantle by February 23, 2014.

FT5ZM Website http://www.amsterdamdx.org/
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


CISAR SVXLINK NAZIONALE per info: https://svxlink.cisar.it/

SvxLink by SM0SVX rete RedNet per informazioni: http://iw0.red



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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 21 aprile 2013, 8:12

Re: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition

UPDATE: The MV Braveheart will arrive in the port of Fremantle, Australia on January 12, 2014 and be available for the team to board. Fuel and supplies will be taken aboard and port documentation procedures completed. The vessel will sail for Amsterdam Island on January 15, 2014. The sailing time to Amsterdam Island will be 9 days, with an estimated arrival date of January 24.

Landing operations will commence as soon as the sea conditions and weather allow. Once the team is ashore, they will have 18 days to set up, conduct the DXpedition, and tear down for departure.

The return sail to Fremantle is also estimated at 9 days. The team anticipates being back in Fremantle by February 23, 2014.

FT5ZM Website http://www.amsterdamdx.org
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


CISAR SVXLINK NAZIONALE per info: https://svxlink.cisar.it/

SvxLink by SM0SVX rete RedNet per informazioni: http://iw0.red



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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 3 maggio 2013, 20:41

Re: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition

The following Press Release is from K0IR, Ralph Fedor, team leader of the upcoming January 2014 Amsterdam Island (FT5ZM) DXpedition.

Please feel free to pass this on to your club and friends.
Bernie, W3UR

Press Release

Since our last Press release early last month, we have a great deal of news to report.

We have received the call sign FT5ZM. It is a good call sign and we thank TAAF for their cooperation.
Two new team members have joined the team of fourteen. They are Neil, VA7DX and Andy, UA3AB. Both men are veterans of many DXpeditions and add expertise to the list of operators.

Several more sponsors have joined in with their support, Spiderbeam, Cycle 24 Antennas, and Array Solutions. Array Solutions will be providing the new OM Power amplifiers for our low band operations.

The team will assemble in Perth, Australia on January 10/11, 2014. The DXpedition vessel Braveheart will arrive on January 12th and loading of equipment and personal items will begin. The North Coast Radio Group of Western Australia, along with Alek, VK6APK, will be offering logistical support to the FT5ZM Amsterdam Island DXpedition Team. The VK6′s will assist in obtaining masts, ground rods, electrical hardware, and some medical supplies. This will result in a substantial decrease in the bulk and weight of material that the team has to ship from the U.S. We plan to depart for the 9 day trip to Amsterdam Island on January 15th.

We are grateful to the growing list of DX Foundations, DX Clubs and individual DXers who have contributed toward the DXpeditions expenses. NCDXF, INDEXA, ARRL/Colvin and several European based DX Foundations have made unusually large commitments. They are aware of the extreme cost of the venture at over $400,000. (see our budget on the website.)

However, thus far, we have only raised just over 53% of the money that we need to complete this DXpedition. As payments on the vessel begin next month, we must ask the world-wide DX community for their support.
Visit our website at: http://www.amsterdamdx.org and contribute whatever you can. We need your help.

Thanks — we will update you monthly until departure.
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


CISAR SVXLINK NAZIONALE per info: https://svxlink.cisar.it/

SvxLink by SM0SVX rete RedNet per informazioni: http://iw0.red



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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 28 luglio 2013, 10:22

Re: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition


Since our last Press Release in early May, the Amsterdam Island DXpedition team has made significant progress. We have begun receiving supplies and equipment at our Atlanta staging area. Thanks to N4GRN for arranging secure storage. DX Engineering was the first to deliver a large shipment. They have been terrific to work with. Our 10 mono-band, 3 element beams from Cycle 24 and Force 12 are expected to arrive in the next few weeks. The 30 foot towers for our beams are being acquired by our friends in VK6.

W6IZT, N4GRN, K9CT, and VA7DX have completed the networking framework for the two station sites. They have obtained the computers and network equipment, completed a terrain analysis, and they have equipment in the “burn in” stage.
WB9Z and his crew have prepared over 10,000 feet of radials for the Amsterdam low band antennas. Thanks go to NV9L, K9NU, N9TK, K9TP, N9LAH, W9ILY, K9CJ, and “Lee.”

Our plans for several low band receiving systems are also complete. We will be hearing and being heard very well from FT5ZM on the low bands

Our “on island” procedures are progressing well. We’ve satisfied the sanitation and waste management plan required of us. We have the floor plans and dimensions of our two operating sites so we can pre-plan our power distribution wiring and equipment placement. We will be expected to help with some routine base chores like helping to clean the dining room, setting the tables, etc. So we will also have a “KP” roster, as well as our radio operating roster. Our team will become a real part of the small community on Amsterdam Island.

Arnie N6HC, our team doctor and our friends W0GJ and K9SG are finalizing our medical and emergency kits. Outdated drugs are being replaced, etc.

Our Pilot team to date is:

- NV9L, Val: North American pilot and chief pilot
- MM0NDX, Col: European pilot
- KH6CG, Stan: Oceania pilot

Our Chief Financial Officer and fundraiser K4UEE along with his able assistants: LA6VM and JA1ELY have been working hard to make sure DXers worldwide know about this upcoming DXpedition to the number 4 “most needed” DXCC entity and they are given an opportunity to help with our considerable expenses. At this time we are about 2/3 of the way to our goal. Taking into account what we expect from direct QSL requests and OQRS, we are about $75,000 short. This is of some concern.

For more information on our DXpedition budget, please see:


Thanks for your interest and support of this exciting project.

Our website is http://www.amsterdamdx.org
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


CISAR SVXLINK NAZIONALE per info: https://svxlink.cisar.it/

SvxLink by SM0SVX rete RedNet per informazioni: http://iw0.red



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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 6 agosto 2013, 5:48

Re: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition

FT5ZM Operating Sites on Amsterdam Island

Amsterdam Island has an area of approximately 21 sq. mi (55 sq. KM) and is just over 6 miles on its longest side. The high central area of the island rises to over 2800 ft. ASL and slopes downward toward the north end of the island where the French base, Martin de Vivies is located.

FT5ZM Landing SiteFT5ZM Landing SiteOur landing site is on an outcropping along the north coast of the island near the base. Landing can be difficult due to the direct exposure to the open sea. Both our arrival and departure times could be effected by the weather and high seas.

FT5ZM Operating Sites We have been assigned two operating sites on the north end of the island. One site, a shelter called Mataf, is located just northeast of the base. It is over 400 feet from the sea and the beach area has small cliffs, is rugged and rocky, and is exposed to the high sea. Having antenna’s at the water’s edge is not really an option. The slope Antonelli downward and to the north favors propagation to most major Mataf population areas. We will use verticals for the low bands and 3-element Yagis for the high bands.

At our second site we have been assigned to a shelter called Antonelli. This site is 2.5 KM inland from Mataf and has an elevation approximately 600 ft. above Mataf. Again, terrain slopes downward to the north. The terrain around Antonelli is quite rugged and the shelter sits on the edge of an old volcanic crater. However, space is abundant behind the shelter and we do not anticipate difficulty in putting up antennas. Again, we will use 3-element monoband Yagis for the high bands and verticals for the low bands. Low band receive antennas will be available at both operating sites.

FT5ZM Operating Sites The two shelters are not large. They measure approximately 15 by 15 feet and have some built in bunks and benches, limiting our available space for stations. But we will make this work.

Our plans are proceeding. Equipment is being built, supplies are being shipped to our staging site in Atlanta, airlines are being booked, hotel rooms are being reserved, and payments on our ship are about to begin. Your support and financial contributions are critical to our success. We sincerely thank those who have supported us thus far. If you have not yet made a contribution to this DXpedition, we ask that you please consider doing so by going to the Donate button on our home page. We need your help.

Ralph – K0IR
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


CISAR SVXLINK NAZIONALE per info: https://svxlink.cisar.it/

SvxLink by SM0SVX rete RedNet per informazioni: http://iw0.red



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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 17 ottobre 2013, 15:02

Re: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition

UPDATE - Since the early planning days of this DXpedition, we have been accumulating and storing equipment at our staging site in Atlanta, Georgia. On October 15 our packing and organizing was completed, equipment was placed on pallets, loaded into our sea container, and began its journey to New Zealand where it will be loaded aboard our ship.

IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


CISAR SVXLINK NAZIONALE per info: https://svxlink.cisar.it/

SvxLink by SM0SVX rete RedNet per informazioni: http://iw0.red



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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 21 ottobre 2013, 13:45

Re: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition


A sea container filled with our equipment — transceivers, amplifiers, antennas, wire and cable, connectors, baluns, bandpass filters, camp supplies, and other miscellaneous equipment — is now on its way to New Zealand. There it will be loaded aboard our ship, the MV Braveheart. The Braveheart crew and our VK6 friends have our shopping lists for other needed materials and are procuring these items for us. These materials will all come together in January when the Braveheart and the FT5ZM team arrive in Fremantle, Australia.

Our network and logging team are in the last round of testing our system for the seamless uploading of logs. Currently we can export 400 QSO’s each hour from each of 10 PC’s in approximately 500 msec. The log collection will be automatic, so there is no interruption of operator time. A zipped log file with 100,000 QSO’s will be just over 600 Kb in size, saving time and money on satellite uploads. The process has been tested end to end, including uploading to Club Log.

We are in the phase of the DXpedition where large expenses are coming at us rapidly. We’ve completed one down payment on our ship, we’ve had to purchase some equipment and shipping supplies, shipping and customs fees have been paid, our anchorage and per diem costs at Amsterdam Island are coming due, we will be seeing berthing and ship supply charges from Fremantle soon, and we have another ship payment due on December 1.

We are staying within our budgeted expenses, but contributions have been somewhat less than we had hoped. It now appears almost certain that the team members will have to increase their personal contribution from $10,000 per person to $12,500 per person as well as pay their own way to and from Fremantle, Australia. If you’ve contributed to the DXpedition, we thank you. If you’ve yet to help us, or if you can send some additional help our way, we can certainly use any financial support that you can give us.

Please continue to check our progress, our news updates, and photos on our website: http://www.amsterdamdx.org If, while you are there, you’d hit the "Donate" tab, we’d really, really appreciate it.
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


CISAR SVXLINK NAZIONALE per info: https://svxlink.cisar.it/

SvxLink by SM0SVX rete RedNet per informazioni: http://iw0.red



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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 26 novembre 2013, 19:06

Re: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition

UPDATE November 26, 2013

Our sea container loaded with our pallets of equipment has arrived in New Zealand. The container had been unloaded and its contents placed in a bonded customs warehouse. It is ready for transportation by truck to the port of Tauranga.

The Braveheart will return from a mission to Raoul Island on December 6th and be prepared to load our cargo shortly thereafter. Between December 9th and 14th the ship will be provisioned, undergo routine maintenance, and a main engine oil change. The Braveheart staff will fill our shopping list and put all dry provisions aboard the vessel.

The ship’s crew will have been at sea or working for a long time, so they will take a vacation during the week of the 15th to the 21st. On December 23rd the Braveheart will take on fuel. On the 24th fresh produce (eggs, milk, fruits, vegetables) will be put aboard. The crew will spend Christmas day with their families.

On December 26th at 1400 the Braveheart will depart Tauranga via New Zealand’s North Cape, cross the Tasman Sea south of Tasmania, cross the Great Australian Bight past Albany, and then sail north up the western coast of Australia to Fremantle. This is a 3440 nautical mile voyage that will take 17 days.

The Braveheart is scheduled to enter the port of Fremantle on Monday January 13th. The vessel will take on fuel and provisions on January 14th. She will clear customs and depart for Amsterdam Island on January 15th with our 14 team members and lots of radio equipment aboard.
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


CISAR SVXLINK NAZIONALE per info: https://svxlink.cisar.it/

SvxLink by SM0SVX rete RedNet per informazioni: http://iw0.red



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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 22 dicembre 2013, 11:02

Re: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition

Last Press Release

All the equipment the Amsterdam Island DXpedition team shipped to New Zealand is now aboard the MV Braveheart. All our documentation – sanitation inspections, hull inspections, de-ratting certification, and bio-security clearance – has been completed.

The vessel will be fueled for its voyage to Australia on December 23rd. On December 24th, fresh produce for the initial voyage will be taken aboard. The crew will celebrate Christmas day at home with their families and then on December 26th at 1400 local time, during high slack water, the vessel will sail for Fremantle, Australia.

The Braveheart will sail around the north cape of New Zealand’s north island, across the Tasman Sea, across the Great Australian Bight, and up the west coast of Australia to the port of Fremantle. Additional provisions will be taken aboard in Australia and the vessel will be re-fueled for the voyage to Amsterdam Island and back.

FT5ZM team members will begin arriving in Fremantle on January 9th. There will be team meetings, toasts, and shopping trips. Our good VK6 friends have acquired some additional supplies for us and we will take these aboard. The team will board the Braveheart on January 14th, configure our maritime mobile station, and sail for Amsterdam Island on January 15th.

You will likely hear from us one more time before we leave our respective countries and fly to Australia. However, as always, thank you to the amateur and DX community for your support and interest. Visit our website frequently for late breaking news and updates. We’ve not yet reached our financial goals, but with your continued support, that goal is in sight.

73 –

Ralph – K0IR
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


CISAR SVXLINK NAZIONALE per info: https://svxlink.cisar.it/

SvxLink by SM0SVX rete RedNet per informazioni: http://iw0.red



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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 3 gennaio 2014, 8:50

Re: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition


We are now 6 days from departure from the U.S. The Braveheart is making its way across the Great Australian Bight and the North Corridor Radio Group of Western Australia has a stockpile of supplies queued up and waiting for us. Momentum has taken over now and there is no turning back.

Upon arrival in Fremantle, the Braveheart will re-provision and refuel to 90,000 to 100,000 liters of fuel. We will load the materials we’ve obtained from the NCRG, do a little shopping for personal supplies, set up our maritime mobile station, take our sea sickness pills and patches, and be prepared to sail on January 15th.

We’ll be passing through some rare grids on the way to Amsterdam Island and we are anxious to hand out QSO’s from them. Be sure to look for us on the bands and track us on our website in near real time. Landing on Amsterdam can be "exciting." Wish us good luck with this. We’ll have some heavy work to do upon landing and expect our set up time to take at least a full day. We’ll let you know when we get there.

This will be our last press release. It has been a long time of preparation and a great deal of work, but that is behind us now. The next time you hear from us, it will be a signal from the Braveheart or from Amsterdam Island.

As you can see from our financial status on our home page, we still need help. If you haven’t helped us yet, please consider doing so. If you’ve supported us, thank you – you’ve kept us afloat to date.

73 – The Amsterdam Island DXpedition Team
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


CISAR SVXLINK NAZIONALE per info: https://svxlink.cisar.it/

SvxLink by SM0SVX rete RedNet per informazioni: http://iw0.red



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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 14 gennaio 2014, 18:49

Re: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition


The FT5ZM team are ready to depart Freemantle, Western Australia at 0500z on January 15th, expecting to arrive Amsterdam Island on January 23rd or 24th.

Track their journey as VK6FZM/MM sets sail.
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


CISAR SVXLINK NAZIONALE per info: https://svxlink.cisar.it/

SvxLink by SM0SVX rete RedNet per informazioni: http://iw0.red



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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 24 gennaio 2014, 10:33

Re: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition

The FT5ZM arrived at the Island


Great news coming thanks to our pilot Valerie, NV9L:

"The team arrived at Amsterdam Island safely. They are waiting offshore for the island general to come aboard and do an inspection at their 0800 (about 2 hours from now). Once this is done, they can begin to painstakingly unload all the cargo onto the Zodiac and on to the island."
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 24 gennaio 2014, 18:24

Re: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition

Gear ashore

"It only took 50 trips to the island, but pretty much everything is ashore. The 1st tower is up with a 12 meter yagi. So they will probably make their first QSO on 12. The team is currently enjoying a well earned dinner right now at 14:30z.

The rumors that someone died are obviously FALSE. Any official announcements to the cluster will be with a valid call sign."

Valerie, NV9L
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 24 gennaio 2014, 19:51

Re: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition

When QRV?

Good question. Thanks to team member FM5CD via Clipperton DX Club, we have a short update for you:

"It’s now 22:30 local time on Amsterdam Island and the team finally take a little rest. They arrived earlier today (around 5:30 local) after a relatively difficult crossing, with no real respite time on the boat.

The welcome at Amsterdam was extremely friendly and the assistance provided by the teams on site was very important. The mobilization of all unloading has now finished. At Mataf site they will soon be ready, however at Antonelli site it’s a different story because it’s more remote and access is difficult.

QRV estimates suggest a time-frame of between 1300 to 1900z tomorrow; this info will be updated. For now the team sleep in peace. Wish them good night and good luck for tomorrow!"
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 25 gennaio 2014, 22:14

Re: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition

On the air since Jan 26!

Posted on January 25, 2014 by Stan SQ8X

Update with WB9Z 16:24z (21:24 pm FT5ZM local time):

"They are still a long way from getting on the air. The terrain is very rough for walking and putting up antennas. We’re talking up to 2 feet of dead grass on top of lava rock. Per Jerry this is one of the (if not the) roughest Dxpedition he’s ever been on. The entire team is exhausted after a very long day. All the generators are in place, but there is still so much to be done. They anticipate not being on the air until at least 0700z tomorrow January 26th."

Valerie, NV9L
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 28 gennaio 2014, 15:30

Re: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition

UPDATE The FT5ZM team continues to remain focused on making as many contacts on as many bands as possible. Stations are on the air from both locations. Antenna erection at Mataf, the lower site is complete, but antenna work continues at Antonelli, the upper site. Erecting antennas at Antonelli is very difficult and taking much more time than anticipated due to the challenging terrain and high foliage. The hike from Mataf to Antonelli is an exhausting uphill climb, and takes approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes. The team is tired and in good spirits!

To date there has been no internet connectivity. The primary focus of the entire team is on completing the antenna work and making as many contacts as possible. Logs will be uploaded to ClubLog as soon as possible. We will announce when the first upload to ClubLog is complete. Thank you for your patience.
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 30 gennaio 2014, 12:40

Re: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition

First log online!

The very first FT5ZM log is now online.

IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 30 gennaio 2014, 14:43

Re: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition

News From Amsterdam Island – FT5ZM – 0900 UTC Jan. 30, 2014

All of the FT5ZM team are safe and well. The Braveheart crew and food have been exceptional on this trip. We had three rough days at sea; otherwise sea conditions were quite benign. Our landing on Amsterdam went well.

Logistics on the island — moving gear, distances involved, and the terrain are all very difficult and consumed a lot of time and energy. For example, at the Antonellis site the grasses are chest-high and conceal holes and rocks. Terrain varies 30 ft in height in a 30 foot distance. All this makes antenna installation, placing radials, and running feed lines very difficult. The path between Mataf and Antonelli is NOT a straight line and IS a very LONG walk. But, we have completed all our installations without incident or injury.

The French staff on Amsterdam have been wonderful. Their help, encouragement, and interest is amazing.

We are struggling with noise on 12 and 30 meters and occasionally on 15. While we work to resolve this, we ask your patience if we have difficulty hearing you on these bands. After installing our 160 meter antenna, taking it down, and replacing it, first full night on 160 meters netted 500 QSO’s We are very happy about that.

Thank you for your good wishes and greetings on the air.

73, Ralph – K0IR
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 11 febbraio 2014, 12:43

Re: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition

UPDATE – As the team reached 160,000 QSOs, Ralph, K0IR reported to Chief Pilot, NV9L the following important info:

"There is only about 12 hours left to operate from Camp Antonelli. This is where the 160 vertical is located. Also note that tonight (at 2200z) FT5ZM will be operating 12m SSB long path specifically to NA, as the team is well aware that most of NA still needs them on this band".

A reminder the team QRT on Feb 12th.
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


CISAR SVXLINK NAZIONALE per info: https://svxlink.cisar.it/

SvxLink by SM0SVX rete RedNet per informazioni: http://iw0.red



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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 12 febbraio 2014, 12:39

Re: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition

With almost 165,000 QSOs, FT5ZM is now QRT.

The team thank all who worked them. More updates to follow..
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


CISAR SVXLINK NAZIONALE per info: https://svxlink.cisar.it/

SvxLink by SM0SVX rete RedNet per informazioni: http://iw0.red



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Messaggi: 63482

Iscritto il:
27 novembre 2005, 19:11

Rocca di Papa (Roma)

Data di nascita: 15 gen 1961

Città - Paese - Luogo: Roma

Stato - Nazione: Italia

Messaggio 13 febbraio 2014, 8:34

Re: FT5ZM Amsterdam Island Dxpedition

I just got off the phone with WB9Z. All the team members are now safely aboard the Braveheart as of 05:20z. The Braveheart crew is currently securing the Zodiac as the French wave goodbye from the shores. There is a strong storm right behind them. This should make for rough sees but favourable winds pushing them to Perth.

Chief Pilot station Val, NV9L
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB
https://www.cisarroma.it - https://www.ik0zcw.it - https://www.qrz.com/db/ik0zcw


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