EP6T DXpedition to Iran Kish Island IOTA AS-166
Nearly three years of negotiations and a reconnaissance trip by Patrick ON4HIL to Tehran finally resulted in obtaining a legal license to operate with a team of ten people for fourteens days.
It has been all but easy but with much perseverance and countless e-mails between Belgium and Iran we eventually got what we were looking for. The good thing is that we not only have a legit license but we are also in the stage of helping to revive amateur radio in the I.R. of Iran. In order to help establish legal ham radio exams we have a 150 page course, that has been written and edited by one of our local club members, translated into Persian language. This course will serve as a guide for both the people at the Iranian telecoms administration and for students who are willing to learn the basics to become a fully licensed radio amateurs. Hopefully many new hams will be on the air in the near future from Iran.
10 operators will be operating 4 (possibly 5) stations around the clock for at least 10 days at the end of January 2015. Specific dates will be announced at a later stage but we are aiming for the last two weeks of that month. All HF bands will be covered from 10 through 160 meters in three modes: CW, SSB and RTTY. As with previous expeditions from the Rockall DX Group we will have stations overnight focusing on the low bands with separate receive antennas and quarter wave verticals near the beach. Since we are on an island our location will be not far from the sea, depending on propagation, good signals can be expected on all bands. We will have pilot stations to provide us with feedback from our audience.
The requested call sign is EP6T.
More information and a dedicated website will follow soon. Follow us on twitter or keep an eye on the DX bulletins. If you have any questions related to this expedition contact us via EP6T@rockall.be.
Hope to see all of you in the log.