Messaggio 17 gennaio 2017, 18:39

Further preparations for WRC-19

Tuesday, 17 January 2017 14:36
Written by Don Beattie

A meeting has taken place in the past week in CEPT, which included agenda items considering matters of interest to the Amateur Radio Services at WRC19.

At committee PTD in Helsinki, IARU experts were involved in discussions on WRC Agenda Item 1.1, which proposes an allocation in Region 1 in the 50-54 MHz band, to create a global band at these frequencies. For CEPT, the coordinator for this Agenda item is Hans Blondeel Timmerman, PB2T.

The discussions made progress on matters associated with the spectrum needs for the amateur service and sharing with other services but there remains much still to do and IARU will continue to work on these studies with administrations and others to establish the optimum future sharing scenarios

The CEPT summary of the outcome of these discussions states:

PTD updated the draft CEPT Brief. In particular, a preliminary CEPT position was agreed on agenda item 1.1, which would support a new allocation in the frequency range 50-54 MHz to the amateur service in Region 1 only if the spectrum needs for the amateur services are justified and studies show that incumbent services, including their future deployment and services in adjacent spectrum are protected.

PTD developed a working document summarizing the sharing studies currently available for this agenda item. It covers the compatibility between the amateur service in the band 50-54 MHz and incumbent services (land mobile, radiolocation and broadcasting)

Another item discussed at PTD was Wireless Power Transfer, in preparation for WRC19 Agenda Item 9.1.6. An IARU paper which argued that greater clarity is needed in terminology and scope of studies to be undertaken on high power wireless transfer technologies was broadly welcomed and is expected to result in a CEPT contribution to ITU WP1B, the committee charged with developing the wireless power transfer spectrum allocation and related issues.

IARU will continue to actively participate in discussions in its Regional Telecommunications Organisations (CEPT, ATU, ASMG and RCC) as well as the all-important forum of ITU.
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB - -



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