The 2018 DXpedition to Baker Island occurs during the declining side of the solar cycle where propagation is usually much, much worse, nearing the bottom. "However, this is the when our permit is valid", the KH1/KH7Z team says, "and we are planning to maximize the time we are available to work to propagation challenged areas".
Thanks to Stu, K6TU, "we have imbedded his tools in our website where you Can run forecasts specific to your grid square and station properties.
Please visit to see when and on what bands to look for us. We have also run these forecasts by geographic area to know when we should be listening for you". The pilots will also report how well we are being heard in the various areas to keep the team abreast of propagation.
"Our permit restricts our antennas to 43 ft vertical antennas", and "we will be using Steppirs and special design antennas to take advantage of the salt water ground". KH1/KH7Z will also be using FT8 "to find openings we might not hear, and to serve as a beacon. When we find an opening, we will put as many radios, modes, operators on as we can".
Make sure you read 'WORKING KH1/KH7Z USING THE FT8 DXPEDITION SUBMODE' ( which describes how the team intends to operate as the 'Fox' and how they recommend all the 'Hounds' operate.
KH1/KH7Z will stay on 20 meters continuously and jump to other bands from one of the other 7 operating positions. The 15 operators will rotate on and off in 3 hour shifts. "We have one goal, maximize the number of ATNO QSOs with this 5th most wanted entity".
Thanks to Stu, K6TU, "we have imbedded his tools in our website where you Can run forecasts specific to your grid square and station properties.
Please visit to see when and on what bands to look for us. We have also run these forecasts by geographic area to know when we should be listening for you". The pilots will also report how well we are being heard in the various areas to keep the team abreast of propagation.
"Our permit restricts our antennas to 43 ft vertical antennas", and "we will be using Steppirs and special design antennas to take advantage of the salt water ground". KH1/KH7Z will also be using FT8 "to find openings we might not hear, and to serve as a beacon. When we find an opening, we will put as many radios, modes, operators on as we can".
Make sure you read 'WORKING KH1/KH7Z USING THE FT8 DXPEDITION SUBMODE' ( which describes how the team intends to operate as the 'Fox' and how they recommend all the 'Hounds' operate.
KH1/KH7Z will stay on 20 meters continuously and jump to other bands from one of the other 7 operating positions. The 15 operators will rotate on and off in 3 hour shifts. "We have one goal, maximize the number of ATNO QSOs with this 5th most wanted entity".