the last WRTC2018 heute today 16 July 2018
the last WRTC2018 heute today 16 July 2018
Thanks to the Media Team
Ed, DD5LP (Translator, Interviewer)
Klaus, DF9XV (Press Officier)
Dirk, DG1HUF (Photographer)
Ralf, DH2FBL (Photographer)
Hartmut, DH9KFC (Videographer and Cut)
Carol, K3LEA (Facebook)
David, K3ZJ (Author oft he WRTC 2018-Book)
Armin, DL1EYH (Livestream, Videographer, Photographer)
Steffen, DL5SFI (Organisation, Photographer, Livestream)
Fritz, DL7ON (Photographer)
Steffen, DM6WAN (Videographer, Interviewer and Cut)
Carsten, DM9EE (Photographer)
Jan, DO5JWA (Photographer)
(sorted by call sign)