Ananth G. Pai, VU2PAI died on 14 July of a heart attack. Born in 1973 and active on the HF bands since 1995, he was a successful businessman, a philantropist and an avid DXer and contester. He participated
in a number of DXpeditions, including VU7LD (Lakshadweep Islands 2006), VU4PB (Andaman Islands 2011), 8Q7KP (Maldives 2013), VU7AG (Lakshadweep Islands 2013) and VU4CB (Nicobar Islands 2014), as well as expeditions to IOTA groups AS-096 (St. Mary Isles 2001), AS-161 (Sacrifice Rock 2002) and AS-169 (AT0AI, Arnala Island 2006). In the past he also served in the Governing Committee of the Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI), India's IARU member society.

in a number of DXpeditions, including VU7LD (Lakshadweep Islands 2006), VU4PB (Andaman Islands 2011), 8Q7KP (Maldives 2013), VU7AG (Lakshadweep Islands 2013) and VU4CB (Nicobar Islands 2014), as well as expeditions to IOTA groups AS-096 (St. Mary Isles 2001), AS-161 (Sacrifice Rock 2002) and AS-169 (AT0AI, Arnala Island 2006). In the past he also served in the Governing Committee of the Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI), India's IARU member society.