The recent VP2VB commemorative DXpedition (11-16 March) made some 18,000 QSOs. "We are currently reviewing the FT8 backup file for more QSOs and getting QSL card design ready for printing", OH2BH says. "It will be a 4-page, full color affair - for this special occasion. LoTW will soon follow". "Digging into the past of the first multi-hopping DXpeditioner Danny Weil, VP2VB was another rich piece of history", he adds. "Spending time at his home on Tortola, British Virgin Islands, gave us a blend of history in its original setting. Together with Austrian DocuFunk archives, headed by Paulina (OE1YPP) and Wolf (OE1WHC), and meeting with Kenneth (VP2VK) and George (VP2VQ) and the local telecom authorities placed us straight back where it all once began. We have now collected most of the material, including Danny's only existing interview: https://www.qrz.com/db/VP2VB.