Central Arizona DX Association K4ZW ET3AA Ethiopia DXpeditio
The February, 2021 CADXA program was “ET3AA Ethiopia DXpedition” by Ken Claerboat, K4ZW. Ken was first licensed in 1977 as WD9DEE while attending high school in Cedar Grove, Wisconsin. He later upgraded to Extra class and obtained the call KE9A. In 1984 he moved to Virginia after accepting a position with the Diplomatic Telecommunications Service in both engineering and management roles, supporting the secure, global network of US embassies and facilities around the world. He later spent six years in the private sector at a global telecommunications provider for Sprint, France Telecom, and Deutsche Telecom. He currently works for the Broadcasting Board of Governors in downtown Washington DC. Ken holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and a master’s degree in Telecommunications (Public Policy and Business) from George Mason University. Ken is currently licensed as K4ZW and enjoys contesting and chasing DX on the low bands, both from his home station and overseas.